Clause 7 Support, 7.2 Competence
Clause 7 Support, 7.3 Awareness
Information Security Awareness
Clause 7 concerns itself with resources. This applies to people, infrastructure, and the environment as much as physical resources, materials, tools, etc. This Clause is all about getting the right resources, the right people, and the right infrastructure in place to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the ISMS. It deals with requirements for competence, Education and Trainning courses in cybersecurity awareness, and communications to support the ISMS and it could include making training and personnel available, for example. This clause also requires all personnel working under an organization’s control to be aware of the information security policy, how they contribute to its effectiveness, and the implications of not conforming. The organization also needs to ensure that internal and external communications relevant to information security and the ISMS are appropriately communicated. This includes identifying what needs to be communicated to whom, when, and how this is delivered.
It’s in this clause that the term “documented information” is referenced. Organizations need to determine the level of documented information that’s necessary to control the ISMS. There is also an emphasis on controlling access to documented information, which reflects the importance of information security. There is also a renewed focus on knowledge as a significant resource within your organization. When planning your quality objectives, a major consideration will be the current capacity and capability of your resources as well as those you may need to source from external suppliers/partners. This clause of the standard provides the requirements supporting the establishment and operations of an ISMS. Included in Clause 7 are:
7.1 Resources required to establish and operate an ISMS
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness ( Information Security Awareness )
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented Information
Clause 7 of ISO 27001 is all about getting the right resources, the right people, and the right infrastructure in place to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the ISMS.
The organization must determine the necessary competence of all people doing work under its control that affects its information security performance. It must also ensure that these people are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience. Where applicable, it must take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken; and must retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence. Applicable actions may include, for example, the provision of training to, the mentoring of, or the reassignment of current employees; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.
ISO 27001 clause 7.2 basically says that the organization will ensure that it has :
Clause 7.2 requires all persons to be competent in their roles within the ISMS. Competency comes about through the provision of training, education, experience, and skills. These are all to be considered in the management of human resources. To implement and maintain an effective ISMS you need to have supporting resources in place. These resources will need to be sufficient:
There is a logical sequence that is reflected within this clause of the standard when addressing competency:
The need for people to be aware of their ISMS responsibilities is contained within Clause. The implementation of effective information security controls relies heavily on the knowledge and skills of your employees, suppliers, and contractors. To be certain of an appropriate knowledge and skills base you need to:
A whole bunch of skills and experiences required for successful implementation and ongoing management of an ISMS that is certified to ISO 27001, beyond expertise in physical security, cybersecurity, computer security, or other forms of information security per se. Those include commercial, legal, HR, IT, as well as the relevant products & services expertise for the work in scope. Building and running an ISMS is usually a collaborative team job. Your auditor will expect you to have documents detailing your knowledge and skills requirements. Where you believe the requirements are satisfied this will need to be supported with records such as training certificates, course attendance records, or internal competency assessments. Most organizations that already use tools such as training/skills matrices, appraisals, or supplier assessments can satisfy the requirement for competence records by expanding the areas covered to include information security.
The ISMS requires that all personnel are competent in terms of their role within the ISMS. Any competency gaps that have been identified need to be addressed. However, there is some specific ISMS-focussed training for some target user groups. Some of these groups and the type of training that may be required are listed in the following table.
The training plan should consider the following:
When developing any training plan consideration must be given to the following:
This type of information can be captured through a “training needs analysis” exercise. Once this type of information is captured, a training program can be developed.
The training plan should cover:
The organization must determine the necessary competence of all people doing work under its control that affects its information security performance.
People doing work under the organization’s control shall be aware of the information security policy, their contribution to the effectiveness of the information security management system, including the benefits of improved information security performance; and the implications of not conforming with the information security management system requirements.
Clause 7.3 of ISO 27001 combines with clause 7.2 competence and 7.4 communication about the information security management system to all the relevant interested parties. Awareness is closely related to competence in the standard. People who work under the organization’s control must be made aware of the information security policy and its contents, what their personal performance means to the ISMS and its objectives, and what the implications of nonconformities may be to the ISMS. ISO 27001 is seeking confirmation that the people doing the work are aware of:
This generally will drive some level of training and awareness sessions targeting different audience groups. Awareness of non-conformance to the requirements of the ISMS must also be addressed. In addition to ensuring the specific competence of key personnel in relation to information security, the wider group of employees, suppliers, and contractors will need to be aware of the basic elements of your ISMS. As part of the implementation of the ISMS, the people within the organization must participate in the creation of the information security policy for top management to approve. They would have a good understanding of their role because it would have been agreed and documented as part of clause 7.1. This is central to establishing a supportive culture within the organization. All staff, suppliers, and contractors should be aware of the following:
The communication of this information can normally be done through existing processes and documents such as inductions, employment contracts, toolbox talks, supplier agreements, employee briefings or updates.
Awareness is closely related to competence in the standard. People who work under the organization’s control must be made aware of the information security policy and its contents, what their personal performance means to the ISMS and its objectives, and what the implications of nonconformities may be to the ISMS.
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Alle norske virksomheter må være forberedt på å håndtere. Rapporten beskriver hva disse truslene innebærer og hvordan de kan treffe virksomheten din. For å vite hvordan du og virksomheten best mulig kan beskytte dere mot disse truslene har NorSIS sjekklister for hva som bør gjennomgås eller være på plass i enhver virksomhet. Under finner du disse sjekklistene. Dersom det er noen av punktene i sjekklistene under du ikke forstår eller kan utføre selv, sjekk med din driftsleverandør.
Med et par klikk og en nedlasting av et ukjent vedlegg i en e-post, en Facebook-post eller en SMS, kan hele virksomhetens IT-system bli lammet og kryptert. Løsepengevirus er en av de største digitale truslene mot norske virksomheter.
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Din virksomhet kan rammes av et angrep på en av dine kunder, leverandører eller samarbeidspartnere. Eller du blir angrepet som et ledd i et angrep på en av dine samarbeidspartnere. Det kan få enorme konsekvenser for virksomhetens omdømme. Ifølge NSM er det sannsynlig at angrep på leverandørkjeder vil øke i Norge.
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Nettsvindel er fortsatt en stor trussel for små og mellomstore bedrifter. Dette er en type angrep der lav innsats kan gi angriperne stor uttelling. Det kan dreie seg om alt fra phishing og direktørsvindel, falske nettbutikker og falske nettprofiler til falske fakturaer.
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